Who would want to UNDERMINE this system?
The laws of perjury and conspiracy were put in place at the onset. The labeled point on the timeline shows where the lawmakers made a law AFTER the laws on perjury and conspiracy were put in place.
There are processes for making laws and all lawmakers take an oath before they start their service. This oath places them on the true boat.
This next image adds a complaint and that complaint creates a defendant.
Do lawmakers KNOW if every complaint that is filed today is true or not? How could they?
But every lawmaker SHOULD know that the accuser started the lawsuit and claimed that he could prove his case. They also SHOULD know that perjury is a felony and if they are made aware of an act of perjury AFTER the complaint is filed then they are OBLIGATED by their oath and the law to OPPOSE THAT ACT OF PERJURY.
What if they FAIL to live up to their oath?
If they fail to OPPOSE the documented act of perjury in the Court Record then they JOIN the conspiracy. When the reviewer FAILS to OPPOSE the ERROR MAKER in the Court Record then the REVIEWER JOINS THE CONSPIRACY.
If you think about it the ONLY persons who would want to undermine the system are a "guilty" defendant or an enemy of the Constitution of the United States
Why don't Maggie Brooks, Hillary Clinton, Matt Lauer or Richard Funke want to talk about the particlulars of ANY of the five cases outlined in this letter which was sent by certified mail to the US Attorney in Rochester, NY?